is the homepage for the famed Philippine Integrated Martial Arts Academy (PIMA). The site features
all of the latest happenings at PIMA Academy and also within the Doce Pares community.
As the Co-Webmaster of the site my responsibilities include: Uploading new information to the site, this consists of
photos, text, and much more. Maintaining a calendar of events and class schedules.
Status: In Development
Is it midterms? Finals? Or do you just need a place to get away? No matter the reason Study Cribs has got you covered.
Study Cribs is a mobile application designed to help you locate the space you want based around your needs.
Study Cribs is a mobile application designed to help students locate ideal places to engage in studying.The application
was designed around research that came from surveying the potential users and documenting the study habits of students.
The application offers many features such as: reviews, advanced search options, ratings and much more.
Status: In Development
FMA HUB is the central location for all things related to Filipino Martial Arts. We are talking news, interviews, events,
seminars, and tournaments.
FMA HUB is website that I developed out my interest in Filipino Martial Arts. It is currently still in development and
employs the tools of Java script, SQL, HTML and CSS. I also create and manage the content.
Status: In Development
Expense Database
This database simply works as a way to view transactions and receipts stored as within a database.
Designed as a final class project, this database combines MySQL workbench, HTML, CSS, and PHP.Using PHP and HTML, the user can
connect to the MySQL workbench through the internet. The database can be updated through web applications that utilize the
Status: In Development